Name | Board Position |
Lisa Doyle-MacBain | Chair |
Jacob Zelman | Vice-Chair |
Vacant | Past Chair |
Dennis Carver | Honorary Board Member |
Gary Conohan | Director |
Maggie Grimmer | Director |
Vacant | Director |
Harrison Wood | Director |
David Green | Director |
Bob Kelly | Director |
From time to time, BBBSPEI may secure the services of a business in which a Director may have an interest. In such cases, the Director will declare a conflict of interest and abstain from voting on the engagement or in any related discussions or decisions to avoid a conflict of interest.

Lisa Doyle-MacBain, Board Chair
Lisa Doyle-MacBain is a self-employed management consultant working in many diverse fields. She has a record of positive working relations with officials in the municipal, provincial, and federal public service, with private enterprise, educators, and the community at large. She is dedicated to organization and efficiency, and thrives in a challenging and changing environment. Lisa’s current employment contracts include serving as the Executive Director of the Prince Edward Island Automobile Dealers Association and as Manager of Client Services with Chandler Coaches Inc. Lisa attained a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Certificate in Public Administration from the University of Prince Edward Island. She enjoys hiking, baking/cooking, crafts, and reading. She resides in Charlottetown with her husband, Rob, and they have three grown children, affectionately referred to as The A-Team: Alex, Ashley, and Amanda.

Jacob Zelman, Vice-Chair
Jacob was born and raised in Stratford, PE and is currently living in Charlottetown. He attended Acadia University and received a Bachelor of Sciences (with Honours) in Psychology. He also attended the University of New Brunswick to complete a law degree. Jacob was admitted to the bar in 2020 and is presently practicing as a lawyer at Stewart McKelvey.

Gary Conohan, Director
Gary is the Managing Director at Veseys Seeds and Veseys Equipment out of York, PEI. Gary was a Big Brother to Matthew for 10 years until Matthew reached 18 years old and 11 years later they are still good friends. Gary has been an In-School Mentor and is currently Past President of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty. Gary and his wife June reside in West Royalty.

Maggie Grimmer, Director
Maggie was born and raised in Sherwood, Prince Edward Island. Maggie attended UPEI and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with Honours (English) in 2016 after playing for the UPEI Women’s Hockey Team for four years. After graduating from UPEI, Maggie went on to attend law school at UNB and graduated with her Juris Doctor Degree (With Distinction) in 2019. She then returned home to Prince Edward Island to begin her practice at Carr, Stevenson & MacKay in Charlottetown. She currently resides in Charlottetown with her husband, Phil.
Maggie has been involved in coaching rugby and hockey at various levels for many years. Most recently, Maggie has joined the coaching staff of the UPEI Women’s Hockey Team as an assistant coach for the 2022-2023 season.
Maggie joined the Big Brothers Big Sisters PEI Board in 2020 and has enjoyed the opportunity to continue to make a positive impact in the lives of youth in Prince Edward Island in her role as a Board Member.

Harrison Wood, Director
Harrison was born and raised in Marshfield, Prince Edward Island where he still resides. Upon graduation from Charlottetown Rural High School, Harrison went on to obtain a Bachelor of Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting from the University of Prince Edward Island. After university Harrison went on to obtain his designation as a Chartered Professional Accountant, working with MacPherson Roche Smith and now Doane Grant Thornton LLP in Transaction Advisory Services, specializing in mergers & acquisitions, business valuations and financial modeling.
Harrison is currently working towards obtaining a second professional designation as a Chartered Business Valuator.
Harrison joined the Big Brothers Big Sisters PEI Board in 2021 and enjoys the opportunity to provide financial and general oversight to a great organization that positively impacts local youth in many ways.

David Green, Director
David grew up in East Royalty, PE and currently lives in Marshfield with his wife and two sons. He attended UPEI and graduated with a degree in Business Administration in 2003, after which he went on to obtain his CA/CPA designation in 2005. After working in public accounting with Grant Thornton for close to a decade, David has now been with DME Process Systems as Finance Director since 2013.
In addition to being a part of the BBBSPEI Board since 2013, David has also been serving on the Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association executive for the last 2 years

Bob Kelly, Director
Bob, a Summerside native and resident, began his professional life as a journalist with both of the Island’s daily newspapers before embarking on a 35-year career in communications and marketing. That adventurous journey began in PEI, where Marine Atlantic and Island Tel/Bell Aliant were his employers, and ultimately led him to the Northwest Territories, Ontario and British Columbia and into management positions in both public and private sector organizations.
Bob returned to his hometown in the summer of 2024 and has established himself as a self-employed communications consultant.
This is Bob’s second time on the BBBS of PEI Board. He was a director from 1999-2002 and served both as Vice-Chair and Chair.