Hi, I’m Kieran. I’m a volunteer soccer coach, a student, and a Big Brother. I love to travel, play & watch sports, spend time with my family and volunteer.
I wasn’t sure what I’d be doing as a Big Brother. Turns out, it was way easier than I thought. My Little Brother and I spend quality time going to the farmer’s market, watching movies, go-carting, playing board games, and going to the driving range. It’s pretty cool that I can do the stuff I love and make a difference for a local kid.
Big Brothers Big Sisters bases their matches on interests, which means my Little Brother and I have a lot in common and it was easy to become friends. Being a Big Brother is such a great experience. Join me, become be a Big Brother today!
We want to thank Keith Jones & Vickie Hsieh from Brandvan for helping us tell our amazing Big Brothers’ stories in such a visual way and Italic Press for printing the posters!